
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Anxiety Clinic

  Happy New Years! Be Safe and Enjoy! From: The Anxiety Clinic

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

  Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment can help you regain a sense of control over your life. The primary treatment is psychotherapy, but can also include medication. Combining these treatments can help improve your symptoms by: Teaching you skills to address your symptoms Helping you think better about yourself, others and the world Learning ways to cope if any symptoms arise again Treating other problems often related to traumatic experiences, such as depression, anxiety, or misuse of alcohol or drugs You don't have to try to handle the burden of PTSD on your own. Psychotherapy Several types of psychotherapy, also called talk therapy , may be used to treat children and adults with PTSD.

Panic Attacks Disorder

  Although medications and panic-focused cognitive behavior therapy are considered standard treatments for panic disorder, other types of  psychotherapy  may also be helpful. Many patients with  panic disorder  have some residual underlying vulnerability, as suggested by the continued occurrence of symptoms. These patients may benefit from a more broad-based psychotherapy, as might those in whom comorbid symptoms occur. Some patients are unable or choose not to participate in a structured prescriptive treatment requiring homework. Our psychotherapeutic approach to treating panic disorder, called emotion-focused treatment, targets identifying and managing negative emotions, especially as they relate to common psychological themes of fear of separation, fear of constriction, and the need for interpersonal control.

Depression Counsellor

  Depression counselling is often recommended as a combination treatment plan. Talking therapy can help you identify, address and manage negative, self-defeating thoughts that may affect the way you behave with depression.

Ways To Reboot Your Brain

  The Perfect Brain Hack for Success and Memory Now and again we stumble on something so powerful and so effective, it is hard to believe we’ve gotten so far without it! You are about to learn one of the simplest and amazingly effective brain hacks ever! Our brains are very complex organs, and they consume more energy than any other organ in our body. And not unlike a computer, if you get too many processes running at once, the whole thing can slow down, and even freeze up. We all have had those moments when we cannot remember a special date, the name of a movie or actor that we KNOW we know! Or you run into someone whose name you know, but it just won’t seem to come to the top of your mind. When our computers freeze up or slow down, we first try to shut down several processes by closing screens and applications. When that fails the go-to is to force the machine to shut down entirely and re-boot. Ways to re-boot your brain: Since we cannot entirely shut down our brains (that is cal...

Happy Holidays

  Happy holidays from TheAnxiety.Clnic ! We wish you and your loved ones a warm, safe and healthy New Year. ✨

Anxiety Counselling Near Me

  It is important to understand the difference between normally occurring anxiety and a diagnosable anxiety disorder that is disruptive to daily life and requires professional intervention. Everyone experiences anxiety at times throughout their life. To be clear, some anxiety is a normal and biologically helpful response to certain types of stress. Anxiety is not always a bad thing; besides providing what can sometimes be a constructive motivating force (for example, worry about providing for a family motivates a head of household to work hard and get a promotion), it can also keep us and our loved ones safe from danger.

How to Control Addiction

Because change is so difficult, it's useful to have a guide when attempting to kick an addiction to drugs, alcohol or behavior. Research shows that the following steps can help you move toward your recovery goals. You have the greatest chance of success if you adopt all five steps. 1.   Set a quit date.  It might be helpful to choose a meaningful date like a special event, birthday, or anniversary. 2 .  Change your environment.  Remove any reminders of your addiction from your home and workplace. For example, separate from those who would encourage you to be involved with the object of your addiction (drug, alcohol, or behavior).   3. Distract yourself.  Instead of giving in to an urge to use, come up with alternative activities, such as going for a walk or calling a friend or family member to talk, so that you keep busy until the urge passes. Be prepared to deal with things that trigger your cravings, such as being in an environment where others are u...

Teen Mental Health

  Adolescence is a time for young people to have a healthy start in life. The number of adolescents reporting poor mental health is increasing. Building strong bonds and connecting to youth can protect their mental health. Schools and parents can create these protective relationships with students and help them grow into healthy adulthood. As we’ve learned nationally during the COVID-19 pandemic, schools are critical in our communities to supporting children and families. While the expectation is that schools provide education, they also provide opportunities for youth to engage in physical activity and academic, social, mental health, and physical health services , all of which can relieve stress and help protect against negative outcomes.

Getting Meditation Right

  “I want to get meditating right,” I was told by a friend who is eagerly embracing meditating and the somewhat miraculous outcomes it can provide.  I’ve been meditating for years and have found meditation incredibly helpful on many fronts. In short, it has taught me how to become better at managing my thoughts. This means I ruminate less, worry less, and have come to truly understand that “just because I have a thought, I don’t have to keep it.” I’ve learned that much of my suffering I’ve created myself, and when I use Meditation as a tool to learn how to manage my thoughts, I’ve learned how to choose to suffer less. There’s an irony in trying to “get it right.” Any communication, including communication with ourselves has to be delivered in a way that makes sense to us. If you are speaking in a different language or trying to share an experience, teach a skill, or resolve a conflict and the person you are addressing, or your brain, has no, or a limited frame of reference, yo...

Group Therapy Near Me

  Psychotherapy: Understanding group therapy Depending on the nature of your problem, group therapy can be an ideal choice for addressing your concerns and making positive changes in your life. If you're considering psychotherapy , several options are available. One of those options is group therapy. Depending on the nature of your problem, group therapy can be an ideal choice for addressing your concerns and making positive changes in your life.

Therapy for Family Problems

  Family therapy or family counseling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period of time, a major transition, or mental or behavioral  health problems  in family members.

Couples Therapy

  Couples therapy is a form of talk therapy which helps people in romantic relationships improve communication and develop more satisfying connections. Couples therapy treats relationship distress, chronic arguments, and broken trust from emotional or sexual affairs. Couples therapy may be delivered in combination with other treatments such as individual psychotherapy or medication management or it may be delivered independent of other interventions. How does couples therapy work? Couples typically meet with a therapist once per week for a number of months depending upon the needs of the couple. Couples therapy helps partners realize the value of love, comfort, and support that comes with a secure relationship.

Individual Therapy in Canada

  At The Anxiety Clinic , we see individual therapy for our young adult clients as one of the most meaningful ways of bringing about effective and sustainable change. These focused one-on-one sessions allow our clients to explore issues and life patterns that interfere with their ability to launch independent lives.

A Powerful Tool to Manage Anxiety

  Thought Management Training A Powerful Tool to Manage Anxiety Focal Point Meditation (FPM) We create our reality by our thoughts, it’s not woo-hoo stuff. This short, powerful strategy begins by having your client/patient experience the power of actually creating a reality. Very cool, and trust me, so many people who I have shown this to have has some real ‘ah-ha’ moments! The goal of FPM is unlike most meditation practices. It is NOT about calming the mind, or even keeping focus! FPM is about mastering the art of CHANGING YOUR THOUGHTS.

Trauma Counselling in Toronto

  Psychological trauma is damage to the mind that occurs as a result of a distressing event. Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one’s ability to cope, or integrate the emotions involved with that experience. There’s no better time to prioritize your mental health than now. You can meet Todd Kaufman online at  www.TheAnxiety.Clinic

Staying in Love is a Skill

In decades gone by couples often underwent ‘ premarital counseling ’ with their minister or priest or religious leader  The function of this meeting was primarily to ensure the long-term commitment of the couple to the faith. Today therapists that provide premarital counseling sessions are more interested in facilitating effective communication between the couple, empowering them to recognize differences as gifts, and providing skills to work through the challenges that arise. Over the years in private practice, I have provided counseling for couples entering into long-term commitments that I call ‘Premarital Communication Sessions.’ During these sessions, we explore the intuitive differences in how the individuals in the relationship both communicate, and the ways in which they experience the connection in the relationship, including how they are wired to experience the gifts of their partner. A good starting tool you can do yourself can be found by googling ‘The Languages of Love...

Depression Counselling in Toronto Canada

  Depression usually presents as a variety of smaller symptoms including depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. If left untreated, these problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to impairments in our ability to take care of our responsibilities. Depression is the leading cause of disability, and occurs in persons of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Near Me

  Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It's most commonly used to treat  anxiety  and  depression , but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.

The Anxiety Clinic

  Wisdom from an Indigenous Elder. Depression, Anxiety, Pandemics, And A Cold Dark Winter. There are very few of us who will not be happy to see the tail end of 2020. There is hope on the horizon with vaccines now being distributed, but the return to the world as we knew it is still the better part of the year away. And between us return stand a cold dark winter. The best advice I have ever received about growing up is to be humble enough to acknowledge what you don’t know, and smart enough to surround yourself with people wiser than yourself. Indigenous people of Canada have always valued the wisdom of Elder’s. I am not indigenous and I am blessed to be surrounded with many indigenous folks whose wisdom I greatly admire. One such person is Dr. Nel Wieman one of the first indigenous psychiatrists in Canada. Dr. Weidman is the Acting Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the First Nations Health Authority in British Columbia. Recently Dr. Wieman released an article jam-packed with helpfu...

Mindfulness Therapy in Canada

  Mindfulness Meditation is the learned skill of CHOOSING YOUR THOUGHTS Imagine finding yourself upset or worrying and being able to say to your brain, “OK, that’s enough for now, we are letting these thoughts go and we are going to choose to think thoughts that bring us happiness, joy and pleasure!” Imagine focussing on, or even obsessing on joy, happiness or pleasure?!! I help you learn practical tools that invite you slow down your thoughts and ultimately choose what you wish to think about, and consequently choose how you wish you feel.