
Showing posts from May, 2022

Life Coaching Near Me

  What Does a Life Coach Do? Well, you know what a sports coach does: They help an individual or team identify a goal and then they develop a plan for that person or group. It’s pretty straightforward—and the same holds true for life coaching. “ Life coaching focuses on what’s happening right now, what a person wants next, and how that gap can be bridged”  Coaching is about helping people identify the obstacles that keep getting in their way, assisting them with  finding motivation , and pinpointing any resistance to change.  Life coach  is a broad term—you can also find business coaches, executive coaches, leadership coaches, and health coaches, but a life coach is typically most helpful when you’re thinking about your overall future.

Mental Healthcare

  In recent years, there has been increasing acknowledgement of the important role mental health plays in achieving global development goals, as illustrated by the inclusion of mental health in the Sustainable Development Goals. Depression is one of the leading causes of disability. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. People with severe mental health conditions die prematurely – as much as two decades early – due to preventable physical conditions. Many mental health conditions can be effectively treated at relatively low cost, yet the gap between people needing care and those with access to care remains substantial. Effective treatment coverage remains extremely low.

Grief Counselling Near Me

  Types of Grief Counselling Grief counselling can help people of all ages work through sorrow and other emotions that are part of a normal reaction to losing someone. However, you may benefit from other forms of therapy if your grief is overwhelming and you are finding it difficult to cope with.

Gratitude Therapy in Toronto

  What is gratitude therapy? To put it simply: gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what you have - as opposed to a consumer-driven emphasis on what you want. The therapy is the act of thoughtfully reflecting on the aspects of life that bring great joy, causing feelings of gratefulness, rather than the insatiable longing of what’s just out of reach. By practicing awareness of the positive things in life, we fight off the brain’s natural tendency to scan for and spot the negatives.

Emotional Abuse Counseling

  Types of Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse can take many forms . Three general patterns of abusive behavior include aggressing, denying, and minimizing. Aggressing Aggressive forms of abuse include name-calling, accusing, blaming, threatening, and ordering. Aggressing behaviors are generally direct and obvious. The one-up position the abuser assumes by attempting to judge or invalidate the recipient undermines the equality and autonomy that are essential to healthy adult relationships. This parent-to-child pattern of communication (which is common to all forms of verbal abuse) is most obvious when the abuser takes an aggressive stance. Aggressive abuse can also take a more indirect form and may even be disguised as “helping.” Criticizing, advising, offering solutions, analyzing, probing, and questioning another person may be a sincere attempt to help. In some instances, however, these behaviors may be an attempt to belittle, control, or demean rather than help. The underlying judgm...

Self Confidence Counselling

  Self-worth, self-care, and self-esteem have become the new catchphrases with the rise in mental health awareness . Our self-worth has far-reaching consequences and becomes the lens through which we see ourselves, other and the world in general. Low self-worth creeps up in both personal and professional spheres. It defines the way our interactions with others are shaped.

Career Counselling in Toronto

  Counselling is a broad field that aims at helping people and providing them with assistance with their mental health and well-being. There are several types of counselling that deal with different domains of an individual's life, such as Marriage and Family Counselling, Rehabilitation Counselling, Mental Health Counselling, Substance Abuse Counselling and Guidance and Career Counselling. Career counselling is a domain of counseling that focuses on helping individuals find the right career pathway. In career counselling the individuals receive guidance from professional counselors that provide expert advice on the potentials, Aptitude, motivations, skills and shortcomings with the use of carefully designed assessment tools. These assessment tools are both subjective and objective. After carefully studying the individual's Interests and Aptitude, career counselors guide individuals to set their career goals .

EMDR Therapy in Toronto

  EMDR is offered by a   certified therapists   as a clinically proven Trauma and Post Traumatic Distress (PTSD) Treatment.

Thinking Disorders Therapy

  Thought disorders affect the way a person thinks, creating a disturbance in the way a person puts together a logical sequence of ideas. A thought disorder is commonly recognized by incoherent or disordered thinking. Someone suffering from a thought disorder may speak quickly and incessantly, skip from one idea to the next and suffer from paranoia, delusions or hallucinations. At the anxiety clinic , we treat thought disorders.

Stress Management Therapy

  Stress is a natural part of life. It comes in many forms: emotional, mental, and/or physical. The occasional stressors are harmless to our health. In fact, stressors can be utilized to push us to work towards important goals, or motivate us out of a bad situation. Moderate levels of stress allow the body and mind to respond at a faster speed. However, when the stressor becomes chronic, it can cause significant mental strain and long-term health problems. Feeling chronically stressed should not be left untreated, especially after stress symptoms start to appear. Depending on the kind of symptoms you manifest, you will need to either meet with a medical professional and/or a therapist . If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, begin by visiting your doctor. A medical professional will be able to rule out any other causes of your symptoms and can discuss the types of stressors in your life.

How Yoga Helps Mental Health?

  Yoga  which originated in India 5000 years back has become a renowned name all over the globe. Yoga is a form of exercise that helps in rejuvenating the body and mind. Yoga also helps in soothing broken and tarnished souls, heals mental ailments and has a very scintillating experience over the body. The combination of yoga exercise involves stretching of muscles, muscle toning, controlled slow breathing along with meditation. Yoga keeps the body filled with energy all through the day even in stressful situations. So, here we discuss the physical and mental health benefits of yoga over body and mind on different levels. Perhaps, the best thing you would find in yoga is that individuals of any age can easily do yoga and avail its benefits. You can do yoga either early in the morning or at evening. All you need is an open space, a mat and physical and mental presence to grasp the benefits of Yoga.

Sleeping Disorder Treatment

  Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that affect the ability to sleep well on a regular basis. Whether they are caused by a health problem or by too much stress, sleep disorders are becoming increasingly common in the United States. In fact, more than  one-third of adults Trusted Source  in the United States report getting fewer than 7 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.  More than 70 percent Trusted Source  of high school students report getting fewer than 8 hours of sleep on weeknights. Sleep is important. When you’re asleep, your body replenishes and repairs itself, both mentally and physically .

Self Esteem Therapy

  Self-esteem  is the degree to which one feels confident, valuable, and worthy of respect. It exists on a continuum from high to low. Where a person’s self-esteem falls on this spectrum can influence one’s overall well-being. People with high self-esteem often feel good about themselves and their progress through life. People with low self-esteem often feel shame and self-doubt. They often spend lots of time criticizing themselves. Low self-esteem is a symptom of several mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

Personality Disorder Treatment

  Personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions that are characterized by inflexible and atypical patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. These inner experiences and behaviors often differ from the expectations of the culture in which someone lives. If you have a personality disorder, you may have a difficult time relating to others and dealing with everyday problems in the ways that are expected by your cultural group. You may not be fully aware of this discrepancy between your thoughts and behaviors and those accepted by society.

EFT Tapping

  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping , is a one of many psychological tools that can be used in proactive and progressive counselling and psychotherapy.

Parenting Counselling

  Being a parent can be the most rewarding experience you go through, but can also be the most taxing. After teaching your child how to walk, talk, and even go to the toilet, you then move on to teaching them life skills like how to hold a conversation, or how to manage conflict. With the number of parenting books available (each claiming to have found the  one  perfect way to raise your child), it is easy to become overwhelmed. Parent counseling is a service that aims to provide you with knowledge, guidance, tools, and emotional support, all without judgment or bias. Different from family counseling which has its own set of benefits, parent counseling focuses on how you as the parent affect the dynamics of your family.

Gambling Addiction Therapy

  People who experience gambling addiction may be unable to control the impulse to gamble, even when they know their actions are hurting themselves and others. Individuals with this addiction may feel an urge to gamble in spite of their desire to quit. In addition to group counseling or support sessions , you may also benefit from one-on-one therapy. Gambling addiction can stem from deeper emotional or avoidance issues. You will need to deal with these underlying issues in order to change self-destructive patterns, including your gambling addiction. Counseling gives you a place to open up and address these problems.

Divorce Counselling

  Marriage and divorce are two of life’s most monumental experiences. The main difference between them is that divorce can be extremely painful for everyone involved – children, in-laws, relatives, and even pets. Well, a divorce counselor can guide you through this painful and uncertain time, while providing you with the tools you need to move on in a positive and healthy way. In addition, he/she can teach you how to resume a fulfilling post-divorce life and minimize the impact on your children. He/she can also help you better understand why your relationship failed, so you don’t repeat your mistakes.

Grief & Loss Therapy Near Me

  Grief Therapy This form of therapy can help address behavioral and physical problems that you may face in the aftermath of a loss. It can also help you if you cannot separate yourself emotionally from the person who passed away.

Anger Management in Children

Being a child can be hard. Situations and emotions can be confusing. Children often can be affected by situations differently than adults. Moments of anger, or “acting out,” in children are normal. But as parents, it’s important to teach your child how to deal with his or her anger from a young age. When children are old enough to understand their feelings, it’s important to talk to them in more detail. Doing so can let them know anger is normal. Talk about the situation and their feelings. This can help them, and you, figure out why they’re angry.  Talk therapy may be offered. This can happen between your child and a specialist. Or it may take place as a family or in a larger group. A counsellor can help identify problems and methods to cope.

Depression in Youngsters

  What is depression ? Most people, young people as well as adults, feel low, sad or `blue’ occasionally, this is a normal reaction to experiences that are stressful or upsetting. Depression is one of the most common emotional problems around the world; the good news is that it is also one of the most treatable. In fact, 80% of people who receive treatment for depression go on to have a better quality of life – they feel better and enjoy themselves in a way that they weren’t able to before.

Panic Attacks Therapy in Toronto

  Panic Attack Treatments Whilst panic attacks can be distressing and difficult to cope with, it is important to understand that with effective treatment, they can be managed. Whilst seeking help for your panic attacks may seem to be a daunting prospect, it is likely to be a crucial step in helping you to overcome your panic disorder and improve your quality of life. If you think that you, or someone that you know, is struggling with a panic disorder, it is crucial to recognise that you’re not alone, and that expert, established anxiety and panic attack treatment is available. We are able to deliver comprehensive treatment for panic attacks on an outpatient, day care or inpatient (residential) basis, depending on the severity of your condition and the intensity of the support that you require.