How Yoga Helps Mental Health?


Yoga which originated in India 5000 years back has become a renowned name all over the globe. Yoga is a form of exercise that helps in rejuvenating the body and mind. Yoga also helps in soothing broken and tarnished souls, heals mental ailments and has a very scintillating experience over the body. The combination of yoga exercise involves stretching of muscles, muscle toning, controlled slow breathing along with meditation. Yoga keeps the body filled with energy all through the day even in stressful situations. So, here we discuss the physical and mental health benefits of yoga over body and mind on different levels. Perhaps, the best thing you would find in yoga is that individuals of any age can easily do yoga and avail its benefits. You can do yoga either early in the morning or at evening. All you need is an open space, a mat and physical and mental presence to grasp the benefits of Yoga.


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