
Showing posts from February, 2022

EMDR Therapy in Toronto

  EMDR is offered by a certified therapists as a clinically proven   Trauma and Post Traumatic Distress (PTSD)  Treatment .   It may also be used to treat other issues that are causing personal upset or stress. The theory behind EMDR is that many psychological difficulties are the result of distressing life experiences which have not been stored in memory properly and are unprocessed or blocked. These traumatic memories may need some help to become processed, and EMDR is one way to do this.

Emotional Freedom Technique in Canada

  Tapping is based in both Eastern and Western Medicine . Tapping is a process whereby one taps on the endpoints of major meridians to help clear the “short circuit” or emotional block from your body’s bioenergy system while re-processing thoughts. Tapping on these meridian endpoints is clinically proven to lower cortisol in our system. Cortisol is a hormone that causes the symptoms of stress and anxiety .

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Near Toronto

  A Practical Approach to Change Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)  is an evidence-based broadly used Technique  eto effect changes in your life and is used by psychotherapists, psychologists, and even some life coaches. What is CBT Used For:   It is a practical behavioral therapy used for many mental health and behavioral challenges including depression, anxiety and phobias. CBT is a modality that helps you re-wire your brain and change the way you think, the way you feel, and consequently, the way you behave. Because it is almost impossible to make change without both our subconscious and conscious mind pointing in the same direction, willpower, a tool of the conscious mind, is rarely sufficient unto itself.

Psychotherapy Near Me

  Moving past anxiety, stress, panic attacks, depression or many other challenges in your life and relationships requires that you learn how to manage your thoughts and feelings. Quite simply, what we focus on, we experience.   And often we find ourselves focussed on, or even obsessing, over thoughts that move us away from happiness and joy.  Perhaps you spend more time then you would like on worrying about why MAY happened, or things that HAVE happened?  These thoughts can make you unhappy, frustrated and angry.

Mindfulness Therapy Near Me

  Basic meditation skills are the cornerstone to Mindfulness Therapy. Mindfulness is both an art and science. The integration of sciences psychology and neuroscience are keys to learning this powerful skill set. I teach these skills in a secular way in your psychotherapy or EPC session. Simple to learn, and easy to practice, mindfulness can make a profound change in your life and how you feel. I integrate mindfulness and combine it with other practical tools to help you manage or minimize symptoms that can cause you problems. You can learn more and watch a short BBC documentary if you click here . Our very practical hands-on on approach helps relieve the symptoms so you can get on with life. Once you have learned the skills to manage symptoms we can work with you to discover the underlying causes of your symptoms and problems. Using gentle and effective conversations you can reshape these experiences to help you permanently make the changes in your life and relationships that you...

The Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP)

  Todd Kaufman founded the Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP). I personally ended panic attacks and learned to manage my anxiety decades ago. As a psychotherapist, I developed ARP after years of experience working with hundreds of clients. utilizing the latest research in addiction and neuroscience. This easy to learn protocol has changed hundreds of lives.

The Anxiety Clinic

  It takes Commitment to Change Sometimes you get there by no apparent fault of your own.  Sometimes you’ve watched yourself slide precariously downhill. And sometimes you’ve made bad choices. Whatever you may be going through, if you’ve been in it long enough, it’s a habit, and at this point, likely a bad habit. Life is suffering, but learn the right skills that build new habits, it becomes optional to suffer in response. Change is a learning process , and that’s based in neuroscience. Let’s apply the best of these skills to show you how?

Psychotherapeutic Coaching in Toronto

  What is Psychotherapeutic Coaching? Psychotherapeutic Coaching is a unique, practical and powerful approach to help you resolve challenges in your life. Integrating the practical approach of coaching with a large range of psychotherapeutic modalities we can craft change through an approach that makes sense to how you think, and how you become your best.

Therapy Insurance Coverage

  Insurance Veterans, RCMP and Service Member are now covered for Direct Billing to Blue Cross. Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions: Do I have mental health insurance benefits? Are my benefits restricted to certain types of providers? Does my insurance cover Registered Psychotherapists? What is my deductible and has it been met? How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover? What is the coverage amount per consultation? Is approval required from my primary care physician? If I reside outside of Canada, will my health insurance cover my consultations? Official receipts, that you may require for insurance claims, can be sent as a scanned PDF upon request.

Ready to End Your Panic Attacks

  Transforming Anxiety From Hot mess to Super Power! By Todd Kaufman , B.A., B.F.A, M.Div. RP EVERYONE is deserving of a happy, stress-free life, and for so  many  they have achieved this goal with the Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP).   In this book, ARP is carefully outlined in an easy to read and engaging way.    Readers tell us it is just like having an Anxiety Specialist sitting right in the room with them!

Counselling and Therapy Near Me

  A Personalized Approach to Solving Your Challenges Quickly and Effectively That is my promise to you. No two people are alike –  you are unique . I do not provide a ‘one size fits all’ approach.  Todd  is trained in a multiple of techniques and approaches to address and awaken solutions that help make counselling and therapy WORK for YOU –  Quickly and Effectively ! Click on a question below to find out more about counselling and therapy.

Child Counselling

Child counselling is a type of therapy that focuses on young children, teens, and adolescents with one or more mental illnesses. It also provides aid to youths, who have experienced trauma, and/or who are experiencing a dysfunctional or stressful home environment. Many of the issues these children face mimic the issues adults face in their day-to-day lives. Some of these common issues include   anxiety ,   depression , and   grief . The goal of child counselling, however, is to break down problems into manageable parts, so children can better understand and cope with them. The main goal of child counselling is to use the knowledge and expertise of a trained child counsellor to calm your concerns and help your child get the help he/she needs to function properly. A child counsellor can provide both you and your child with the tools needed to deal with issues and any mental health condition in a healthy and productive way.

Online Anxiety Treatment

  Book Your Specialty Anxiety Treatment Program Series On average my clients find their symptoms recede in 2-5 sessions and find themselves well equipped with the appropriate skills to return to normal functioning within 10-12 sessions. ARP is a program that is custom-tailored to get you results quickly and effectively.

Drowning in Stress and Anxiety?

  Drowning in stress and anxiety? Here’s how to get safely back to shore. It’s not uncommon that a new patient will meet with me for the first time and feel completely overwhelmed. By the time they’ve booked an appointment to manage their anxiety arrive in my office, it can feel much like they’re drowning in anxiety. And because these folks have often been trying to manage their anxiety on their own for so long, they’re frequently very high functioning. Their capacity to mask the frenzied panic happening in their head is quite remarkable. Even at an initial therapy appointment, they can present as calm, good listeners, and ready to learn. Yet below the surface, their anxiety is raging and making it almost impossible to focus. Anxiety Can Feel Like Drowning Many, many years ago, I helped put myself through my undergraduate by working as a lifeguard. One of the things we were both taught and bore witness to in this role is the surprising demeanour of drowning people. It’s not like in...

Therapy for Individuals

  Individual counselling  is a one-on-one discussion between the counsellor and the client. The two form an alliance, relationship or bond that enables trust and personal growth. Individual Counselling is aimed at helping you to cope with addiction, mental health, trauma and with stresses that can cause anxiety and depression, it’s about helping you to heal from the negative things that have happen in everyday life, such as losses, separation and divorce, family conflict, violence or abuse. Individual Counselling can assist in coping with stressful life situations, work/school problems, grief, and emotional distress or relationship difficulties. Our professional, caring, supportive Master’s Level Therapist and addiction counsellors can help.

Online Counselling in Toronto

  Online Counselling and Psychotherapy  allows you to have your customized approach to feeling better – Right from your home! Let’s talk now. Online Counselling, Psychotherapy can provide you support and guidance through those challenging times and situations in life.

Pet Therapy Near Me

  Meet Gracey T. Bear! Gracey is a member of the   TheAnxiety.Clinic   Team and she, like our Clinical Director, Todd Kaufman, specializes in teaching you how to manage stress, anxiety and panic. Gracey is a neutered female mixed breed (Wheaton/Poodle/Schnauzer) who is a non-shedding 17 pounds of very present cuddles. Gracey is trained for Pet Therapy to help you focus in the present, lowering your stress hormones and increasing your feel good hormones. She is trained to engage you in a manner that provides you with relaxation and the opportunity to work through your ‘stuff’ while not having to deal with being ‘all wound up.’ Patting is also a form of meditative practice. The mind tends to calm when tasked to do repeated behaviours – particularly when there is positive feedback.   The practice of patting a therapy dog is one such activity. Often in session you will find that Gracey will be quite persistent about being cuddled in your lap, on her back, just ...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  You’ve had a long day and you decide to retire for the night, when suddenly you realize that you may have left the front door unlocked. You become anxious and go check if it is locked. Once you’ve ensured that it’s locked, you relax and return to bed. This regular anxiety is good for you as it ensures that you’re alert about your environment. Sometimes, however, these thoughts can be recurring and intrusive. You may go check the door and ensure that it’s locked but when you return to bed, you start to worry about it again. You go check the door again and return to bed but your worry still remains. These recurring thoughts, which make you feel anxious all the time and affect your daily life in the process, are known as  obsessions . Getting treatment for OCD Treatment for OCD has been found to be very effective, and most people who receive treatment recover completely. Depending on the severity of OCD, treatments range from a variety of medications to therapies. In mild cases...

Mood Disorder Treatment

  Depression and other mood disorders  are very real and serious conditions. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness or irritability can interfere with how you think and experience everyday activities such as sleeping and even eating.  While depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide, they are also very treatable. The Anxiety Clinic can help .

Life Coaching Services Near Me

  WHAT IS A LIFE COACH? The  life coach  definition   is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results.  They are like a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. They’re someone who will push you to  identify your goals , hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself.  Life coaches   complete extensive training that teaches them how to  ask the right questions , communicate effectively and get to the heart of your needs and desires in life.