Therapy Service

The Master Key For Effective Therapy Why does therapy with you work? One of the advantages to age is having had the time to muddle through, dig through and ride through thousands of life experiences, both alone and with companions of all sorts, friends, families, lovers, clients and professionals who acted as wisdom givers. Over these decades I have had countless capacities where I provided counseling/therapy and support to various demographics. My experience is vast in both who I worked with and how I worked. Back in the 90’s I walked the streets of the Tenderloin district in San Francisco, handing out syringes and condoms while having conversations to help addicts and street workers stay safe and feel cared for. Concurrently I hung out in the ER of a tough inner-city hospital providing care to those wounded and those who delivered them into the hands of waiting compassionate doctors. When I returned to Canada, I worked providing spiritual care in an inner-city church. Now I am ...