The Business of Marriage & Relationships

Relationships, like any important commitment we make in our lives, do best and survive longest if we are clear about our goals and remain focused on a wisely conceived plan to minimizes pitfalls, and keep us focussed on the long game.

If you talk to any successful business owner, with rare exceptions, they will tell you their success came with a great deal of planning.  Prior to and early in the launch financial plans, budgets, marketing plans, strategic goals, corporate values, legal contracts, were all carefully considered, constructed, and implemented.  Regular meetings are held to discuss progress and plans, and the overall strategic plan helps to keeps these meetings focussed on the business’s goals.  This clear intentional planning is critical to the business flourishing over time.

Your marriage or relationship is no less important than a new business!

If you want to learn more about building a strategy to care for your relationship and how to live into your own Relationship Magna Carta, hop over to the Educational Article ‘The Business of Marriage.’


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