Therapy for Addiction


Why work with a therapist?

Addiction less as a chronic illness, and more as a behavioral choice?

Traditionally over the last number of decades the primary source for the treatment of addiction is the “12 step program.”

This program can be profoundly helpful for many, and for others the program does not provide a long-term solution to their behavior.

There are also a number of modified 12-step programs available which address addiction less as a chronic illness, and more as a behavioral choice. Regardless of what type of treatment someone chooses to embrace, all specialists agree in one fact, the process of caring for yourself and tending to the changes that you decide to make in your life, is ongoing, and a lifetime commitment, and your success or failure has a lot to do with your relationships in life.

It is for this reason that many people wisely seek out a long term therapeutic relationship with a counselor/therapist/coach to help them stay on the road of their choice, living a life of sobriety. Critical to all of these programs is the recognition that this journey cannot be done alone.

In keeping with this understanding that recovery can only be done in and through community, new research has emerged that is beginning to shed light on how critically important relationship and engagement in community is, in order to retain sobriety.


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