Family Psychotherapy Near Me


What happens in family therapy?

As with most types of therapy, your journey will typically begin with an assessment. This is when you meet with a therapist to help them understand what difficulties you’re facing and what you would like support with.

At this point, your therapist can also explain how they will be able to support you and discuss a plan for future sessions. Usually, the whole family will be seen together in one room for this therapy, so you are all able to speak and hear each other. Sometimes, however, therapists will work with individuals, couples or a particular group of family members. This will all depend on the problem you’re seeking support with.

In the sessions themselves, you may work with one therapist or a team of therapists. If you are working with a team, you may notice they talk to each other in front of you about the concern and any idea they have - many families find this insightful.

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