Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Trauma Treatment and PTSD

Are you having recurrent, unwanted distressing memories, flashbacks or dreams?

Do you try not to think or talk about the event or avoid places/people that trigger those thoughts? Are you having negative feelings, feeling numb, hopeless and/or struggle to feel positive?

Have you found yourself ‘on guard’ or feeling irritable, angry or having outbursts? Trouble sleeping or concentrating — easily startled?

Are relationships difficult, and the future seems hopeless?

These are all symptoms of PTSD and trauma, and you can end them starting right now.

TheAnxietyClinic at 1–800–699–3396 is staffed with coaches, psychotherapists, and psychologists, who have trained all their lives to help people move past traumatic events, end PTSD and live happy lives.
When you choose to work with us, you not only get the incredible value of a lifetime of training, you learn the insight and wisdom of the hundreds of clients they have dealt with over the years who have mastered the very same challenges you are facing now.


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