Therapy Payment and Privacy Policies



Veterans, RCMP and Service Member are now covered for Direct Billing to Blue Cross.

Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions:

  • Do I have mental health insurance benefits?

  • Are my benefits restricted to certain types of providers?

  • Does my insurance cover Registered Psychotherapists?

  • What is my deductible and has it been met?

  • How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?

  • What is the coverage amount per consultation?

  • Is approval required from my primary care physician?

  • If I reside outside of Canada, will my health insurance cover my consultations?

  • Official receipts, that you may require for insurance claims, can be sent as a scanned PDF upon request.


Cash, checks and most credit cards accepted for payment. Skype, Email and Telephone Sessions, as well as initial appointments (Introductory Sessions) are payable in advance. In-person sessions are payable prior to, or during session(s). You may also pay via PayPal — just ask to be sent an invoice. Please print your confirmation of payment page as a record of your payment for all other purposes. Pre-payment of your session is available online and encouraged so as to free up time in your session to focus on your session, and not matter of administration.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment (either in person or online), and you have not notified us via email or voicemail at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session. We will ALWAYS confirm receipt of your cancelation email or voicemail. We are sorry to have to implement this policy, but the time that is not spent with you can be spent helping others — but only with sufficient notice. All payments are final and non-refundable.

Privacy Policy

Any information including, but not restricted to your name, email and contact information, registration, information request, payment terms or details is kept COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND IS NOT SHARED with any party without your express written consent.

Contents of all sessions are considered to be confidential. Both verbal information and written records about a client cannot be shared with another party without the written consent of the client or the client’s legal guardian. Noted exceptions are as follows:

Duty to Warn and Protect: When a client discloses intentions or a plan to harm another person, the mental health professional is required to warn the intended victim and report this information to legal authorities. In cases in which the client discloses or implies a plan for suicide, the healthcare professional is required to notify legal authorities and make reasonable attempts to notify the family of the client.

Abuse of Children and Vulnerable Adults: If a client states or suggests that he or she is abusing a child (or vulnerable adult) or has recently abused a child (or vulnerable adult), or a child (or vulnerable adult) is in danger of abuse, the mental health professional is required to report this information to the appropriate social service and/or legal authorities.

Prenatal Exposure to Controlled Substances: Mental Healthcare professionals are required to report admitted prenatal exposure to controlled substances that are potentially harmful.

Minors/Guardianship: Parents or legal guardians of non-emancipated minor clients have the right to access the clients’ records.

Insurance Providers (when applicable): Insurance companies and other third-party payers are given information that they request regarding services to clients. Information that may be requested includes, but is not limited to: types of service, dates/times of service, diagnosis, treatment plan, description of impairment, the progress of sessions, case notes, and summaries.

Health care disclaimer

The content, products and services offered herein are here to educate consumers on health care and medical and psychological issues that may affect their daily lives. Nothing in the content, products or services should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any sort, including mental health treatment or therapy.

This site and its services and or offerings do not constitute the practice of any medical, psychological, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment.

You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. None of the products or services offered through this website represents or warrants that any particular service or product is safe, appropriate or effective for you. We advise users to always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions. If you have or suspect that you have a medical/psychological problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. If you are in North America and are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or call for emergency medical help on the nearest telephone.

Terms of use

Intended for users 18 and older.

The Site is intended for use by individuals 18 years of age or older. This website is not directed for use by children under the age of 18. Users under the age of 18 should get the assistance of a parent or guardian to use this site.

Your privacy rights

We do not share your personal information with unaffiliated third parties for their direct marketing purposes. We may, however, share your personal data as necessary with any of our entities or affiliates. You have the right to contact us and opt-out of such sharing for marketing purposes.

Contact information

If you have a question or concern regarding your privacy, please contact TheAnxietyClinic, Todd Kaufman

47 Queens Park Cres E

Toronto, ON




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