Therapist Near Me



College Street United Church was gifted with a presentation focused on anxiety, depression and suicide by Todd Kaufman, a well recognized Psychotherapist in the downtown Toronto area.

Depression is much more than a bad mood. People can feel worthless, lack an appetite, withdraw, have difficulty sleeping and can become agitated or lethargic. People with long term chronic depressed can often run a high risk of suicide.

Silence and Secrecy are best friends to depression and suicide.

YOU are not depression. Depression is only a part of your brain, it does not define you. There are many practical tools and treatments to stop and reverse these feelings.

It can feel like you are stuck ruminating in these depressing thoughts. “Just because you have a thought, does not mean you have to keep it!” said Todd. Learning to change your thoughts is a skill. And any new skill can be learned if applied with Intention, Repetition and Gratitude. The science behind this is called neuroplasticity, the skill training is called Mindful Meditation.

FIND A COACH: people who are truly happy; partners, family, friends, community, those people who joyfully walk in the path of those avatars that taught love like Jesus, Mohamed, and Buddha; and those people who have spent years training how to change the brain — they are called ‘therapists,’ Just being present with people fighting depression provide the love necessary.


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