Addiction a Chronic Illness

Likely both.  Recovered addicts will tell you addiction causes irrational behavior leading to unhappiness, jail, death, or any combination of the three. So either way, it’s critical you make the choices in your life, not that little but loud addict living in your brain!
Traditionally over the last number of decades, the primary source for the treatment of addiction is the “12 step program.”
This program can be profoundly helpful for many, and for others, the program may not be a good fit, often due to its religious overtones or view as alcoholism as a chronic defect.
There are also a number of modified 12-step programs available which address addiction less as a chronic illness, and more as a behavioural choice. There are also many other programs such as SOS or SMART Recovery that have very different approaches.
Regardless of what type of which options you choose to embrace, all specialists agree in one fact, the process of caring for yourself and tending to the changes that you decide to make in your life is ongoing.  A lifetime commitment and your success are directly tied to living an authentic life – in all regards.
It is for this reason that many people wisely seek out a long term therapeutic relationship with a therapist/coach to support them in living a life of sobriety. Critical to all of these programs is the recognition that this journey cannot be done alone.


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