Addiction Therapy in Toronto


Addiction is the constant need for and use of a substance or behaviour that feels out of your control. It becomes a habit and it involves building up tolerance (which is often experienced as always needing more to feel satisfied). In the case of substance abuse, there are well-defined physical symptoms upon withdrawal. Addiction is classically experienced as using substances such as drugs or alcohol, or using outlets such as gambling or pornography, to avoid distress or unbearable feelings of boredom, anxiety, agitation, or depression. Addiction affects both brain and body and seriously disrupts our efforts to live a satisfying, meaningful life.

Addiction is a highly subjective experience. What addiction is like for you may not be exactly what it is like for someone else.

When a psychotherapist works with you to help manage your addiction, the aim of the process for both of you will be to understand and contain the distress that causes the behaviour in the first place.


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